Monday, November 5, 2012

Regaining life after stroke: Dr. Mary Kneiser and post-stroke rehabilitation

Mary Kneiser image credit:

It is the utmost need of stroke survivors to get back on their feet and it’s the main duty of physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists like Mary Kneiser to help them fulfil this need.

Stroke is usually described as a ‘massive shock to the system.’ It is estimated that almost one-third of people who suffered from a stroke are left with physical and cognitive disabilities.

The effects of stroke vary according to its type, severity, and location. Regardless of what type of stroke a patient experienced, brain damage commonly occurs along with it, leading to the impairment of body functions. Though rehabilitation cannot totally eliminate the effects of brain damage, a recovery plan formed by a hospital’s stroke unit can significantly help people reach the best possible outcome. The road to recovery starts with a rehabilitation plan that’s tailored to the person’s needs.

Mary Kneiser image credit:

Dr. Mary Kneiser believes that the success of rehabilitation lies on the amount of time and effort rendered. A hospital’s stroke unit usually consists of therapists, including physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists. A stroke unit can also tap into the expertise of dieticians, clinical psychologists, and advocacy groups in order to ensure that patients are getting the support to help them achieve the best long-term recovery.

According to Carole Pound of the stroke charity UK Connect, “stroke care is about giving the person who has had a stroke more choice and control and not necessarily independence.” He goes on to say, “Some people may never regain their independence, but it's important that they feel in control of their recovery.”

Mary Kneiser image credit:

Read more about the duties of physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists like Mary Kneiser at this Twitter page.

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